It’s a big world only if you’re not.

I’m a big girl; fat even… depending on your definition of fat, I guess. I’m 5’6″ and…yeah well, lets not get into how many pounds- it doesn’t matter, but let’s just say I am indeed over weight for my height and age (24). This is nothing new to me, I’ve been over weight since I was about 9 years old (for those who don’t want to do math, that’s over 15 years); and since the tender age of 9 I have been picked on, teased, harassing, bullied, made fun of..etc etc etc for the way I look. To top it all off I’m blonde with acne for the past 11 years, so let’s just say there was never a shortage of appearance jokes. The blonde jokes never bothered me, the acne ones did until recently when I’ve accepted the fact that there is nothing I can do to make it go away so, it is what it is. But the weight jokes..those ones stung..or should I say, sting. The worst of them came from my father who is extremely over weight (by over 200 lbs). He would say things like “you would be so much prettier if you just lost that weight”, “you’ll never find a husband if you don’t get your weight down”, “men want a small, womanly figure”, “you’re going to look just like me”, “it’s ok dear, you just have the fat gene”..and on really bad days “you’re a useless fat cunt”. Ouch. He still says things like that and over time it’s gotten easier to hear them because I just ignore him and leave… mostly because I know he’s wrong. But I didn’t always know that, it took a lot of years to realize he was wrong.
I had boyfriends here and there, some of them were more boy and less friend..if you know what I mean. I digress. Most of them didn’t say anything about my weight until we broke up, then came the slurs “you’re a fat bitch”, I’m sorry, wasn’t it you who broke up with me? Whatever. The worst was when I was 19 and I dated an emotionally abusive man, lets call him G. G would make fun of me all the time about my weight, my acne, the fact that my teeth weren’t perfectly straight…then he would buy me something pretty and tell me loved me, and I believed him. I know now this is very typical of abusers and I no longer tolerate it.
This abuse piled on top of what my dad would say to me really put me over the edge and I constantly wanted to kill myself, I even went on antidepressants.
Then came by bar hopping days, I think my choice of friend to do this with maybe wasn’t the best. She was a great girl and it wasn’t her fault but she was about 5’3″, pretty and a double zero, you want tiny? she was about as  tiny as you could get. and there was me beside her…I felt like a sparkling whale. I was the wing mans girl. The take-one-for-the-team girl. The second option girl. The girl who, after I went with my friend to a randoms house, got told to just “Take a seat on the couch” because him and my friend would be back in a bit. The big, fat third wheel. I smiled through it but I died inside every time, and to take away the pain I drank. I drank on thursdays, fridays, saturdays, the occasional sunday and sometimes during the week when no one was looking. The only damage the drinking ever did to me was a big loss of money- luckily.
As a fat girl I’ve had my fair share of embarrassment about it, some I choose to forget and some I’ll never forget. One experience I’ll never forget is when I decided I was going to be a paramedic, so I went to school, became and EMR and then applied to Paramedic school, finally got accepted and had to do my physicality testing…I busted my ass for that test. I passed everything except one thing, but it wasn’t a big deal, I could still go to school. Well, for school we all had to wear uniforms..a group of people sizing you in a room with other people, having you try on clothes to find one that fit…I tried on the biggest size of girls pants they had and they were too small…then I had to go to mens pants. I was the only female who had to go to male sizes (they all looked the same but that’s not the point). I finally found one that I could do up, they were so tight it hurt when I sit but I couldn’t bare to tell them for the 5th time that they were too small. I was humiliated, even if they didn’t seem to mind, that didn’t matter. I went home and cried and only ate salad for a while after that.
Years pass and I still struggle with my weight, my dad still reminds me how pretty I’d look if only I were skinny like my brother and that I should lose weight to increase my chances of finding a husband. One shitty relationship after another, all of which I blame on my weight when they end. All of which ended officially when I ate another pint of Ben & Jerry’s.
All of that ended 2 months before my 23rd birthday. I met the man of my dreams, my, now, fiancé. He is the sweetest man I’ve ever met. Ever. He knows all about my tarnished past and loves me anyway. He reminds me every single day how much he loves me and how beautiful he thinks I am and that he loves me and my body the way they are. I don’t say this to run it in the face of any single girls out there, I say this to tell you not to give up. Keep trying. Keep looking. Your prince, or princess, charming is out there! I know sometimes it seems hard and you’ll never find that special person, trust me I know, I’ve been there over and over again but if you really want’ll find it! I promise you.
My dad was wrong about me, I am pretty the way I am. I found a man who loves me and my figure. It took me a lot of years to figure out he was wrong, but now that I’ve come to accept it I’m happier for it.
So for all you girls out there who think you can’t go another day taking abuse from parents, lovers, yourself…you can do it, but why would you want to? If someone can’t love you for who you are- cut them out of your life, yes, even if it’s a parent or family member. You DO NOT need that in your life. Cut them out and focus on learning to love yourself the way you. You ARE beautiful the way you are, at every shape and size.
If you’re having a rough day and need someone to talk to about your experiences please send me a message or a comment and I’ll do my best to talk it out with you.



Mason candle jar

So since I have so much time before my wedding I’m constantly thinking of more things I can make to add personal touches to my wedding, I’m sure by the time the day comes around I’m going to have 862 boxes full of stuff for my poor decorator to put out haha lucky I just started school and don’t have as much time any more to sit around and think of things to do. But, I do have time to occasionally craft- yay! So, I’ve recently made a mason candle jar and it was really easy.

Step 1: Get a jar!
This one was actually from pasta sauce, I washed out the inside, took the label off and washed it (I needed to use Goo Gone and dish soap to get it all off) Just make sure it’s clean.

Step 2: Decide what decoration you’re going to put on it, I picked a heart because it’s for my wedding. I used my heart shaped sticky notes…

and cut them into a different heart shape…


Step 3: Put your decoration on the jar. Since mine was a sticky note already it was easy, but I recommend using double sided tape and covering the back of your decoration to hold it on the jar.

Imageooh, ahh!!

Step 4: Select your paint! I used pink because it’s my favourite colour and it’s one of the colours in my wedding.
I’ll post a pic of the paint I used even though the label is pretty mangled…

It’s Folk Art Metallic Acrylic Paint in Rose Shimmer (652)
Other paints I recommend are any glass paints, the only ones available in my city were Martha Stewart’s glass paints. I got them from Michael’s Crafts and they were kind of pricey (I bought them for a different glass painting project) But here’s what they look like…


Now, you’ll notice one is metallic and one is gloss. For a project that is going to have light in it I highly recommend one of those and for this particular project one that is opaque. However, if you want the whole thing to look kinda glowy, these paints do come in transparent, translucent, pearl, and frost. They also come in a variety of sparkle and shimmer paints, too. It’s your project, and the options are limitless so really, have fun with it and let me know how it goes! I’d love it see. Any way, moving on….
For this particular project, if you just want the light to shine to the empty spot where your decoration is, I do not recommend using the Pearl’s what it looks like…


It does look great on other glass projects that wont have light shining through them though.

Step 5: Paint! Find a paint brush, put down some paper and got at ‘er!
Here’s my jar after one coat with my heart sticky taken off.


You can put as many coats on it as you want to achieve the look you’re after. What I did to test it was use the flashlight on my phone and I shined it through the top to see what it looked like. Keep in mind, a candle, will not be as bright as a flashlight, so if you can see your crush strokes or can still see through it a little, it may not matter so much. If you’re really concerned, you can get one of those long BBQ/Candle lighters, hold it in the middle and light it up to see what it looks like, if you’re happy with how it looks, you can stop painting haha I did 3 coats and this is what it looks like…


The little spots on the heart is from dirty water, I used a smaller paintbrush to touch up the heart after each coat where paint may have gotten on it since my sticky wasn’t totally flush with the jar. But once it’s dry and clean it should be fine. My painting recommendation is to paint in opposite directions for every coat, by that I mean, the first coat I did was vertical, second coat was horizontal and the third coat was vertical again. I think you just get better coverage that way.

Step 6: Top coat. Just like painting nails, your painting projects need a top coat. I don’t have a picture of what I’m going to use because I haven’t bought it yet haha but you can get clear, top coat spray paints. You can also get what’s called Mod Podge, just make sure it’s clear. Both of those should work, if you’re concerned about applying mod podge and taking some of your paint off, use the clear spray paint- just DO NOT get any of the paints INSIDE the jar as they are FLAMMABLE and you don’t want to start yourself or anything else on fire!! You don’t have to use my two suggestions, use whatever you’d like as long as it’s a clear top coat that can be used on glass.

So that’s all there is to it! The longest part of this project, for me, was getting the heart just right and waiting for the paint to dry. These jars look great in your house, make great gifts or, like what I’m doing, will look cute as a wedding decoration 🙂
This project can be done on any jar or glass that you want to put a candle or lights in. Get creative and have fun!
Don’t forget to comment if you liked this project, didn’t like it, have questions or whatever. Also, if you did this craft post a pic because I want to see what you’ve done with it!!

– Blondie ♥

A wedding so grand I can’t afford a house.

My fiance and I have been engaged since November 16, 2013. We love each other very, very much and are super excited to get married…however, the excitement, as any bride-to-be will know, gets slowly sucked out of you with every cheque you write…every little detail you forgot about that’s going to cost money, every time your mother calls you and say’s something like “Oh, dear, did you remember to invite my cousins grandmothers step-sister’s niece?”
As much as every little girl has dreamed about her wedding since the age of 4 (I hope it wasn’t just me) what we don’t realize until we get here is how fucking expensive everything is! Now I know, we can’t put a price tag on love…but let me tell you, there’s no shortage of price tags on helping celebrate it! Maybe I’m just cheap or totally out of touch…but who the hell wants to pay 60$ FOR NAPKINS!? or 120$ for CHAIR BOWS!? Me..apparently, since I did, or am going to. I tried to do my wedding as cheap as possible but still having it my way and looking pretty…but we’re already over budget and I’m not even done yet!! My saving grace is that I have until June of 2015 to attempt to pay everything off. I guess I’m just a little confused as to why everything needs to cost to damn much? I mean really, these decorators are making mad profit off of us brides who “simply must have everything in damask” ok, I don’t, but you see my point. I was lucky enough to find a decorator who, not only would set everything up for me (surprising how difficult that was find) but who also wasn’t over 1000$! She actually is charging us around 400$. I wanted to hug her and never let her go.  There are just so many little aspects to a wedding that I didn’t even realize when I first started. really helped me out, same with Pinterest and just Google in general. I’m the first of my girlfriends to get engaged/married so I feel like I’m venturing out in the great unknown all by myself…and I have a feeling when it comes to be their time, they’ll all be mooching info off of me like a bunch of tulle covered leeches (I mean that in the nicest, most loving way possible, by the way). But, as the first to wed, and their friend..I guess that’s just another thing to add to my ever growing to-do list.


I guess I should start my blog off with a, umm..welcome! This is a place for me to just say what’s on my mind, whether anyone reads it or not isn’t the point. If you do happen to read it, yay! Please be advised that I’m an extremely vulgar atheist, so if this offends you..I don’t care, fuck off! 🙂  A lot of things on here might be offensive…that’s just a warning since I dont know what exactly is going to go on here yet lol
So, sit back and relax and enjoy the wonderful world of..whatever this is.